Stones for Capricorn sun sign
  • Stones for Capricorn sun sign
  • Stones for Capricorn sun sign
  • Stones for Capricorn sun sign
  • Stones for Capricorn sun sign
  • Stones for Capricorn sun sign
  • Stones for Capricorn sun sign
  • Stones for Capricorn sun sign
  • Stones for Capricorn sun sign
  • Stones for Capricorn sun sign
  • Stones for Capricorn sun sign

Stones for Capricorn sun sign

0,05 $
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From ca 21-22.12 till 19-21.01 we enter into the month of the astrological sign of capricorn,every year is different due to the movement of the earth around the sun.
To be noticed Unfortunately Onyx and Blue Saphire we only 3-4 pieces in stock  that is reason why has been excluded of the list.
We have chosen this stones which are most situated for the astrological sun sign or ascendent in capricorn:
Anahata Heart and Visuda Throat chakra
Element Water

for improving communication,self esteem and confidence,to balance male and female energy,for calmness,help for giving birth.
Smokey quartz:
Earth and Root Chakra
Element Earth

for grounding ,connection with earth,cleaning blocks of aura and chakra, overcome depression.
Earth and Root Chakra
Element Earth

Knowledge,protection for positive thinking,energy,creativity,joy,abundance and health.

Heart  and solar plexus chakra
Element Fire

for inner strenght and self confidence,protection for travelling,abundance, how to manage your power properly to make changes around you,intution to receive direction from great spirit by surrendering yourself. Overcome fear.
Earth chakra
Element Earth

one of the oldest stone used for healing purpose,for grounding and protection,help for giving birth.
Third Eye and crown chakra
Element Wind

 Stone of magick,psychic enhancement,divination,syncronicities,mystery,heal your inner child,inner journey ,protection ,transformation.
crown chakra
Element storm

Clarity ,Balance mind and energy field,amplification resonant energy frequencies,concentration,calming your mind,for memory,cleaning chakra and aura,for positive thinking,clarity.
Earth and root  chakra
Element earth

for grounding,protection ,past life work,overcome depression of a beloved person,there are more type of obsidian version snowflake,silver,rainbow and golden one.
Earth and root  chakra
Element earth

 Magick,virility,life force,health,wealth,to give strenght,power,sexuality,love,energy. Hard to get Ruby tumble stone not alwasys available ,there are new type of Ruby they are Ruby Fucshite and Ruby Zoisite.
Sacral plexus chakra
Fire earth

 To give energy,creativity,overcome depression,joy,sexuality,action not to be scared to jump ,personal power.
Third and crown chakra
Wind earth

Psyschic protection,intution,connection with great spirit,for dream works,overcome drug addiction,alcohol and self-abuse,meditation.
Lapis Lazuli:
Third and crown chakra
Wind earth

Self knowledge,friendship,truth,communication,dreams work,faithfullness.
Moon stone:
Third and crown chakra
Wind earth

Moon cycle,Intution,Balance female and male energy, help for women to be pregnant,accept your  feminite or masculinity,wisdom,insight.
Black /Schorl Tourmaline:
Heart and root chakra
Element earth

Protection,cleaning,grounding,purification from addiction such as alcohol,tobacco.
All chakra
Element Storm

Heart chakra healing,protection for travelling,channeling work,communication,abundance,integretiy,self-acceptance,self-love.
Nowadays has become more and more difficult to get true turquoise many mines are closed in USA,Arizona and also to access stones from Tibet is difficult,borders are closed due to Chinese government policy of export/import outside from Tibet.
Heart  chakra
Element water

Heart chakra healing,love ,faithfullness,abundance. Nice Emerald nice green are high in price.
Earth and root  chakra
Element earth

Love,prosperity,sexuality,grounding,energy,overcome crisis situation in life.

Product code 6404
Warranty 2 years

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