Nguni Hnědy/Brown  Jaspis/Jasper ,Vzacny,Rare 7,78 6,43 $ -15 %
  • Nguni Hnědy/Brown  Jaspis/Jasper ,Vzacny,Rare

Nguni Hnědy/Brown Jaspis/Jasper ,Vzacny,Rare

7,78 6,43 $
6,62 $
In stock (last 2 pcs)
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Nguni Jasper is from South Africa, and is named after Nguni cattle which are a breed that is special to the same region. This is because the intricate and interesting patterns present in this stone closely resemble those found in the markings of the Nguni cattle breed. These cattle have a very long history! The were a big part of the culture of the indigenous Zulu people. For example, Zulu warriors in the 19th century were famous for their multi-colored Nguni hide shields. These beautiful animals are still a large part of Zulu culture in modern times, even though today's Zulu people live much differently than they did 100 years ago.


Zebra jaspis má uklidňující energii, která podporuje harmonii a rovnováhu uvnitř i venku. Je to uzemňující kámen a podporuje silnější spojení s Matkou Zemí. Pomáhá nám najít a udržet rovnováhá v těžkých situacích, kdy jsme hodně zkoušeni. Používá se k léčbě oběhového system a obecně posiluje imunitní systém.

Původ země Jižni Afrika.
Skladem jenom  2 kusi.

Product code 5518
Warranty 2 years

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